恭喜Us the Duo 結婚八周年啦 (灑花)
每一年Us the duo都攜手走過不平凡
參加了美國達人秀American got talent(AGT) 點連結看他們參賽精華
同年生下可愛的女兒Xyla 追蹤起來可愛的寶寶
正式成為Us the Trio
恭喜Us the Duo 結婚八周年啦 (灑花)
每一年Us the duo都攜手走過不平凡
參加了美國達人秀American got talent(AGT) 點連結看他們參賽精華
同年生下可愛的女兒Xyla 追蹤起來可愛的寶寶
正式成為Us the Trio
收錄的第五首歌#Saudade 我想你了
After Mariana’s father unexpectedly passed away,
she told us that she looked for ways to find joy in sadness,
an idea based on the Portuguese word “Saudade.”
Her journey inspired this song and music video.
Share so others can be inspired by Mariana too!
收錄的第四首歌#One Last Dance 最後一隻舞
Lucybelle shared the moving story of her grandparents’ 59-year romance, which ended when they died 35 hours apart.
Their lifetime commitment served as the inspiration for this song and music video.
Please share so we can spread the love!
收錄的第三首歌#I'm Me 我就是我
Camden’s passion for music led him to join the Marine Corps to play in the band.
As a gay man in the military, he was welcomed by his fellow Marines with open arms, love, and respect.
His feel-good tale inspired this song and music video.
Watch and share so others can be inspired by Camden too!
收錄的第二首歌#Follow Me 跟我一起
For most of her life, Fiorella was imprisoned by her stutter.
Scared to speak out loud, she dropped out of school and dealt with severe anxiety and depression.
But around three years ago, she decided to turn her life around,
and now hopes to encourage others to find self-acceptance like she did.
Get to know Fiorella and take a closer look at her story that inspired the track "Follow Me"
on Us the duo's #PublicRecordEP.
Share so others can be inspired by Fiorella too!
收錄的第一首歌#Fighting for you為妳而戰
Jasmine grew up in a home with an alcoholic, abusive father.
As an escape, Jasmine would go to the library.
It was here that she honed her skills to become a gifted writer.
Several years ago, Jasmine's mother had the courage to leave her father, and take her 3 children with her.
Jasmine’s submission asked us to write a song in honor of her mother, her hero.
Get to know Jasmine and take a closer look at her story that inspired the track “Fighting For You”
Please share so others can be inspired by Jasmine too!
Us the duo做到了!
在2016年7月,他們與AT&T Hello Lab共同企劃,
耗時半年,終於在2016年底推出專輯 - PublicRecord EP